Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Finally, after months of delays, again, The
Innocence Project is ready to submit their 696 application to the Convictions
Review Group.
In addition, the Saskatchewan Justice Department has sent
confirmation regarding Supreme Court rules in this province which states that
Leon's case
does not have to be heard by the Supreme Court prior to
being reviewed by the Convictions Review Group.
Once this 696 application
is submitted and the review commences, Leon will have the opportunity to apply
for bail pending the Review Group's decision. We are confident that this would
be a successful court application.
The application being filed is very
favorable to Leon in proving his innocence. The
scientific evidence
contained in this application
can not be refuted and this continuing
cover up will not

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The latest news regarding Leon's case is a
only a small step, but nevertheless, a step closer to freedom.
Innocence Project is waiting for a letter from the Saskatchewan government
pertaining to Supreme Court Laws in this province. Once the letter is received,
Leon's application will be filed with the Convictions Review Group. We trust the
Saskatchewan government will act in a
timely fashion and respond as soon as
Retainer money has been sent to a very prominent attorney who
has worked on numerous wrongful convictions. It is our hope that he will begin
the preliminary work on Leon's bail application and therefore once the 696
application is filed, the bail
application will be ready to be heard by the
Finally, after 8 long, miserable years, it looks like the clock is
ticking down and Leon will be home soon!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Yesterday we had the greatest news in 8
years. The Innocence Project is diligently working on Leon's application to the
Federal Minister of Justice and should be presentable within the next 2 months.
Following the submission to the Minister of Justice, we have high confidence
that a
bail hearing will follow shortly thereafter.
As Leon and all those with
even the slightest amount of common sense once again rejoice with "the truth
shall set you free".
Thank you to everyone who has and is helping to
bring the truth to light!
Updates when available.

Sunday, March 30, 2008
PETER WARREN's presentation as well as the
presentations given by three family members of wrongfully convicted men was a
complete success. Those present, including the media were appalled that
convictions in our system could happen this way despite the evidence that
clearly shows these men are NOT guilty of the crimes that they are paying
It was, for me, a great experience to meet the family members of
Michael Tate and Kelvin Purdy and to hear their stories. The parallels in all
three cases are uncanny with "missing evidence", "police tunnel vision" and
"conviction by the media", just to name three. Yes, the list goes on. But, the
biggest thing we all have in common is that we will NEVER give up fighting, we
will NEVER be quiet and we will see JUSTICE!!!
Thanks, Peter, for your
endless work in organizing this and for the media interviews regarding our cases
before and since the presentation.

Saturday, March 15, 2008
MARCH 27, 2008 at 7:30pm at the University
of Victoria faculty of law Room 159 of the Fraser Building, PETER WARREN will be
speaking out about the wrongful convictions he has aided with over the years as
well as the three cases he is currently working on. Featured will be the cases
of Michael Tate, Kelvin Purdy, and Leon
Walchuk. Family members from each case will also be
speaking. Those include Michael's father, John, Kelvin's stepfather, and Leon's
fiancee, Nancy. All public and media are welcome and encouraged. This shall
definitely make
an impact on these wrongful convictions and bring the deserved public attention
to light.
It should also show our "governing" bodies that we, the
families of these unjustly convicted men will not "go quietly into the good
night" and we will continue to fight for justice. Once and for all our justice
system must see that mistakes happen and that they are obligated to correct the
By the looks of things, there will be an
indefinite delay with the publishing of Peter Warren's articles. On the upside,
Peter was featured last evening on Victoria's CFAX radio program "The Buzz" and
he spoke about the three cases he is working on, including Leon's. I'm sure the
response will be as positive as the other times he's been on air!

Thursday, December 27, 2007
*** delay ***
Sorry readers.....I was just informed that
there has been a delay in printing Peter Warren's articles. Hopefully only a day
or two. Keep checking in, I will post updates when I know more.

Sunday, July 29 2007 6PM CST
Radio Program - Mike McIntyre's
"Crime and Punishment"
Leon's files as well as the new fire
evidence has been sent to the review committee. They received his
application June 2, 2006. They have received most of the required
documents. Unfortunately, there are documents required that we did not
have access to and are hoping that the Review Committee will help us obtain
those documents.
Gerald Hurst has completed his
written report.

December 5, 2006
Saskatchewan Court of Appeal Justices Gary Lane, William Vancise and
Georgina Jackson ruled that the courts no longer have jurisdiction over
the releasing of evidence for further testing. The Crown prosecutor,
Anthony Gerein, stated that the releasing of evidence should be argued
with the Minister of Justice. This decision affects anyone who has
been wrongly convicted and wants access to the evidence in order to obtain
new evidence. Image if Milgaard wouldn't have been allowed
access to the underwear for DNA or James Driskell, the hairs found in his
case. These men, just to name two, would still be behind bars!
This sets a standard for the Courts and the Minister to play "monkey in
the middle" with people's lives. The Minister won't review a case
without "new evidence" and now the courts won't give you access to gather
the "new evidence".

Sunday, December 3, 2006 1 PM CST
Radio Program - Mike McIntyre's
"Crime and Punishment" Sunday, December 3, 2006, 1
PM cst
Leon's case was featured on Mike McIntyre's "Crime and Punishment".
Thank you to everyone who made it possible to have Leon's story

Tuesday, June 6 2006 9 PM
CBC Documentary - TAINTED
Aired Tuesday, June 6, 2006 at 9 PM
April 2006 Hearing to request release of
exhibits for further analysis. Application was denied. Ruling is
being appealed. The appeal was heard Tuesday, December 5, 2006 in Regina,
SK. We have also requested Justice Canada to assist in the release of these
exhibits for further testing.
Recently, it has come to our attention that a
video tape was made of the autopsy. This video was never disclosed to the
Defense. Also, missing pages of a police report. These items have
been requested from the Crown. To date, there has been no response other
than "they will look to see if they exist".
CBC Documentary that aired Tuesday, June 6, 2006
The program was about people who have
been wrongfully convicted or accused by "bad science". Leon's was
one of four cases that was featured. The focus of Leon's case is the
fire. It is proven that the Crown's expert's opinion is just that -
an opinion and that there is no scientific basis for such an
opinion. The leading expert that investigated the case after Leon's
conviction can say with most certainty that Leon's version of the events
that occurred on that tragic night can be proven and that the fire was not
intentionally started. It was a powerful segment that showed first
hand that the fire was not arson. Below are pictures taken during
that experiment shown on the program.
Finally the entire nation has seen the
injustice that has been done to Leon. The truth will come out and it
will not be easily dismissed by the Canadian public. This is
bigger than a small town's idle gossip where people would rather believe
the bad about someone, than stop and look at the obvious
With the airing of this show, one can well imagine that
Cori's family, friends, and possibly a few others that have only heard one
side of the story will once again be crying the blues and wanting sympathy
from the public. While it is acknowledged that for them a great loss
was suffered, it is still no excuse to manipulate the public for support
in order to use these same people for personal gain, all the while
plotting vengeance against Leon's family, including his
children. Read More - >